Credit Bureaus

Business Name
NCR Reg. No.
Short Business Description
“We assist businesses to manage their credit risk, prevent fraud, target their marketing offers, reward loyal customers, automate their decision-making and educate the workforce. We also assist individuals to check their credit reports and scores, and help them protect themselves against identity theft.”
Business Phone Number
021 888 6000
Experian South Africa
Business Name
NCR Reg. No.
Short Business Description
We unlock the power of data to create opportunities for people, business and society.
Business Phone Number
011 513 1249
TransUnion Credit Bureau
NCR Reg. No.
Short Business Description
"We believe in Information for Good. Not just for what it is but for what it can help people accomplish. Use our consumer products to help better understand, manage and protect your personal information, credit profile and identity."
Business Phone Number
0861 482 482